Global Food Model | What

Planck Foundation

The Global Food Model will connect the agricultural production of the global rurals with the shelves of the retail chains in the global urbans. In all outlets of all global supermarket chains in all global urbans there will be dedicated aisles for this brand with thousands of products from everywhere of the world. Pricing and information will be transparent. Direct connection between farmers and consumers: using Google Maps and Facebook like stuff.

The operator of the Global Food Model partners with the global retail chains so the brand will not have competition of the own brands of the retail chains (too complex for them to operate). It will deliver 3 dedicated aisles in every supermarket worldwide (except for the limited assortment focused discount chains like Aldi, Lidl, Winco etc). Delivering development to the global rurals (market driven development) and health food to the global urbans (market driven preventive health care besides tasty food).

Channeling the purchase power of the global urbans on to the global rurals. Glocal: merge of global and local. Supporting national food production / farmer income everywhere. It connects the agricultural production of global rurals DIRECT with the shelves of the retail chains in the global urbans powered: with a global food brands operator as operator.

On the supply/origin locations the harvest are in locations of farmer cooperatives very high tech graded (camera/computer driven selection: grading every grain of rice or other crop) and directly packaged in consumer quantities (250/500/750/1000 grams in a transparent plastic bag under protective atmosphere) and database records are made. The model is cutting all anonymous external trade layers and purchase directly from the farmer. Pushing the grading/selecting/packaging (transparent consumer sized plastic back with protective atmosphere inside) by high tech equipment (grading every product, every grain of rice individually by camera/computer tech), as close as possible to the farmers (regional/local).

On the demand/destination locations these bags get an extra carton packaging, with a sheet of the crop, a sheet of the farmer, a sheet of the brand and a sheet with a recipe included. All database driven. A direct information connection between farmers and consumers: using Google Maps and Facebook like stuff. The final outer box packaging will take place as close to the demand as possible (targeted language, targeted recipes, a global food brands operator or a global food brands operator/chain branded, etc, etc).

Channeling the purchase power of the global urbans on to the global rurals. Glocal: merge of global and local. Supporting national food production / farmer income everywhere. Delivering development to the global rurals (market driven development) and health food to the global urbans (market driven preventive health care besides tasty food).

Trust is the central theme: not by trust demand, but by trust delivery by transparency. Consumer driven change. Voting with your wallet as Ralph Nader would say. Economic democracy. Changing the world in a voluminous way. It’s about bringing the product of the global rural farmers on the shelves of the global urban retail chains. It totally connects demand and supply fully transparent both in product and digital: only full transparency will harvest the needed trust (trust by transparency will emerge as THE value adding facet in food). Think recipes, think social media, think user driven marketing: in-line with the consumers has never been so attractive.

See a Global Brands Operator soon also as a global food operator. This as the perspectives of global food brands decline rapidly in the Global West (on the Why page is described what developments are moving the market perspectives right now). Huge turnovers by stable margins fully in-line with the directions the consumers are moving (away from crap food for health reasons).

Doubling the turnover of a Global Brands Operator (equals: pulling the global financial world behind the business case) while delivering the world global rural development and global urban health. Targeting doubling a Global Brands Operator’s turnover within 5 years: using the volume/exposure of the big to support the small. Connecting the global production rurals with the global demand urbans by a new no/less processed food brand that addresses all the current changes in the food market. It connects the agricultural production of global rurals DIRECT with the shelves of the retail chains in the global urbans powered: with a global food brands operator as operator.

Trust is the central theme: not trust by the brand operator demanded of the customer without any rational ground, but trust delivered by the brand operator towards the customer delivered by transparency. Consumer driven change. Voting with your wallet as Nader would say. Economic democracy. Changing the world in a voluminous way. Targeting doubling the Global Brands Operator’s turnover within 5 years: using the volume/exposure of the big to support the small.

Rural supply for global cities. THE tool to deliver the global rural areas the purchase power of the global cities. The Global Food Model is a virtual infra. Purchasing/grading/packaging at the source (packaging in transparent plastic consumer sized bags). Putting at destination nations these bags in national/retailchain consumer size cartons: (there are pictures of those).

Result: huge rise in food turnover (high double digit growth each year)
Result: stable margins due to the model
Result: global rural development
Result: global urban health

As political democracy is getting more and more short minded (just a game of party interests) a new short and long term change field is growing: economic democracy. Political democracy cost people 25 tot 50% of their income and will deliver each year less for that money (due a combination of debts and party interests). Economic democracy therefore will be growing exponential. A simple example: Power supply. People can ‘vote’ with their purchase power (giving the their power the direction they want).

A global food brands operator could benefit tremendously of this coming economic democracy wave. A global food brands operator supplies not only food and hygiene, but also health, feeling good and a future concept for people. This is not only a huge market demand, it’s also a market with a premium. This is a market based on trust (build by transparency). Just like political actors can lose the trust of people once and for all, brands and companies can too (leaving them with nothing but a bad name). In light of this wave which could deliver you a lot of market/consumer leverage the support of a global food brands operator for ‘Noprop37’ (lobbying for not labelling GMO foods) is very contra productive.

Transparency is the main ingredient of trust in an internet based society. Trust that’s based on transparency will survive, all other types of trust will erode like snow in the (internet) sun. People need to trust you and UL. Right labeling is a crucial facet in this. Being part of a lobby group for less transparency is strategic not smart: it damages the company and it’s brands. My advice in the light of the concept described above is an internal ban on ALL lobbying and consumer interests undermining joint industry PR. Don’t p.o. Monsanto, they are too powerful. Just cut all budgets for lobbying as general rule (under the cover ‘for budgetary reasons’).

Economic democracy (and it’s sales, price and profit premiums) could be a huge windfall for a global food brands operator. In this perspective: Volume could be about ‘more of less products’ or about ‘less of more products’: mathematically the outcome/sum is the same. The systemic risk factor of the 'more of less products' model is higher, while the operational risks of the 'less of more products' is higher. Current food brands could not deliver the less of more option: this model can. This is why the model can’t be delivered by the current structures: the ‘DNA’ of this model is 180 degrees contrary to the current brand operations.

This Global Food Model is a model that could be rolled-out anywhere in the world. Localization is just about tuning the assortment towards local demand in assortment. The localization of languages for packaging, box included leaflets and online structures are already available the model.

It delivers full transparency to the consumer (batch handling, farmers info card in the packaging, digital batch/farmer/growth environment). Trust will become THE value adding facet: this model delivers it (both in grow process, processing, packaging, margins, etc)

Economic democracy will be a huge market facet: products with a in the core specs build-in better world (not that $ 8 diapers with just $ 0.05 vaccine funding attached: while making that vacinne to the core of the marketing: such strategies could back fire enormously). The current fair trade model failed to provide transparency: this Global Food Model on the other hand is structured around / build out of transparency.

Health (less/minimal processed) food will become more important each day. Good food, good life (to tease with the another global food brands operator heart/emotions), a slogan that's liked every time people see it (but practicing it is the real challenge: this model does: it does it comprehensive and voluminous).

We deliver the global company 10 years of development of this model and it components done by our team: So they got instant a head start that not easy could be challenged by others. We deliver turnkey (inclusive nation contacts, retail contacts, financial contacts, NGOs, GOs, GGOs, banks, etc, etc).

A dry, wet and frozen aisle with basic non/less processed food line in every outlet of every supermarket chain of the world. With many products under one brand layout and digital information/transparency model. A global food brands operator branded or a global food brands operator / retail chain brand duo branded.

Take for example the 'dry' box: one layout, several width/dept sizes, but for uniformity one height size. On the transparent inner plastic bag with the product under protective atmosphere by packing a charge number is printed. This charge number is listed with all it specs in the global database and can be 'harvested' on demand locations when the plastic product bag is boxed in the brand and language needed.

This global batch database delivers the information on/for package box, box leaflets and online information structure: By batch numbers direct farmer linked. Online farmer information. Like (as example: use batch code L1413147). Direct packed in seal plastic in consumer shelf box weight (under protective atmosphere) in nation of origin. Further packed in carton shelf box with recipe card, product card, farmer card and brand card in nation of destination. This on demand geographic end boxing makes global/continental logistic very simple.

This is the blue ocean ( possibility for a Global Brands Operator’s turnover/margin: it could double or even triple the Global Brands Operator's size/performance. It would bring the purchase power of the global cities to the global rural areas (making global development real too) (and it would increase global food production and global food security and global food quality to the max).

It’s a model that will give one Global Food Operator dedicated aisles in EVERY large supermarket around the world. By the dual branded (global brand / retail brand) option there will no competition of the retail chain own brands. Furthermore: it’s also a not that easy to copy model: retail chains could no do it on their own. It will harvest global consumer demand (regardless the changes/dynamics) with attached purchase power/will all around the world.

It will change the world and lift a global food brands operator in a next phase. Making it a true global company. This model could be the E 50 to 100 and beyond billion boosting rocket. It would deliver a Global Brands Operator to this brand dedicated aisles in ever supermarket of the world. With the attached sales/margin. The Global Food Model will double the sales volume of a Global Brands Operator in 5 years with an attractive operational margin.

Upstream (geographical supply locations)

Realization of purchase locations everywhere.
(government funded roll-out: those investments should be paid for by the government: management is ours)
(brand related internal norms/auditing delivers brand related security)
Each farmer delivery batch is handled separately.
(each delivery gets its own global database record)
Purchased, paid, dried, cleaned, graded, sometimes milled and packaged.
(each processing is added to the global database record)
(packaging in transparent plastic under protecting atmosphere: so no bulk storage needed anymore)
Putting the transparent plastic product bags in bulk boxes on pallets and put them in containers.
Transporting in boxes in containers by sea/rail/truck to distribution locations.

Downstream (geographical demand locations)

Distribution locations are in the demand markets.
In the distribution location the transparent plastic product bags are put into their own product carton store shelf boxes.
With recipe card, product card, farmer card and brand card in nation of destination.
(product info, farmer info, product recipe, brand info, brand logo and/of retail logo)
Barcode and by local legislation demanded information is behind die-cut openings in the carton boxes.
The carton boxes are global the same (see the design samples).
Distribution locations are national/regional (demanding on demand intensity).
Distribution locations can be at/near the retail chain warehouses too (in case of dual branding).
Containers will go to the distribution location as close to the demand as possible.
Each continent/nation also has a distribution location where containers be forwarded as pallets to the demand locations.
(serving products with less than a container supply yet)

Retail Chains

Retail chains will have a dedicated aisle for this non/less processed global food.
The will use it to highlight their healthy imago.
They will use it to fight their not-healthy imago.
They will use it for new sales and nice margins.
They will use it for fighting the limited assortment discount chains (Aldi, Lidl, Winco).
In each aisle there’s a scanner/screen unit that delivers product information/recipes etc.
Maybe a finance program for retail chains (to make the start more easy for them).


Consumers will drive the marketing/sales by social media communication.
The ‘for their family caring’ consumer is a huge market drive behind changes to health.
Health is the most valuable asset of any family.

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